About The Site

Well hi there!
My name is Owen Ford, I'm a fourteen year old girl, and I run this blog with my friends and family! I created HOPES to raise money for WWF (World Wildlife Fund), specifically for Siberian Tigers! Our goal is $5,000, and we're about halfway there!

Along the right sidebar you can donate, visit our Artist Commission Page, take part in the current auction, see our current total, join our mailing list and a lot more!

Thank you so much for checking us out, we really appreciate it!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Prowling Jaguar Auction!!!

Here it is, the Jaguar picture I worked on for 2 days!!!
I sketched with a pencil, and colored with colored pencils.
The starting price is $15.00, and it's up for about a week!
Here's a picture:

( The picture is not exactly like this photo of course, the real thing is much better. :) )

You can go to the auction by clicking on the picture of the jaguar's head over on the right-hand side.
Thanks for visiting, and please bid to help us reach our goal! :D


Lydia said...

Your drawing is SO wonderful. One would think you lived around jaguars all your life to be able to draw one this great!

(word verification is cacksq .....reminds me of the sound my cat, Feather, makes when she urps up a furball!)

Owen F said...

Thankyou so much! I draw big cats alot, and this one is the best I've ever done! :)

Liz said...

Beautiful Owen - I continue to enjoy the poses you choose!

Owen F said...

Thankyou Ann! :)

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Great drawing! You keep improving with each one.

Owen F said...

:D Thankyou Lisa!

Anonymous said...

Terrific drawing, Owen!!
You are really talented and getting better with each picture.
Love you...

Owen F said...

Thankyou Nina! I love you too!

Wow, this is the most comments (I think) HOPES has ever gotten on a post, haha!

Ioannina Life said...

OK let me add my comment and increase the number by one :)
The jaguar is beautiful and I hope it gets a lot in the auction.
I wish I could bid but I'm outside the USA. Still, I'm following your auctions and your blog and you're doing a great job. Good for you!

Owen F said...

Thanks Loannina! I'm sorry that you can't bid, we tried to make all the auctions so people outside of the US could bid but it wasn't possible, or at least, we didn't see how or where. :( Maybe someone out there knows and can help us?

Anonymous said...

all you have to do is add more shipping options, check that you can ship everywhere. Since it's only artwork I don't see why they would be any limitation going into any other countries.

Owen F said...

Thanks Anonymous!
(For some reason the word 'Anonymous' cracks me up.)

I'm going to go check that out now.

Anonymous said...

Owen, first, that's Ioannina -- a variation of Joanna (or vice versa) -- and second, be careful where you're willing to ship. There are places where packages never get where they're supposed to. I usually choose US, Canada, UK, and the EU.

(Nice picture, btw!)

Owen F said...

Thanks, Mjlayman! I couldn't even find where so, I couldn't even change it. But I'll be careful of where if I ever find it.

Anonymous said...

You can't change shipping once someone has bid, but when you first put one up, or you have an auction up without bids, you can change the shipping options.

Owen F said...

Oh ok! Thankyou!

As another way to raise money, we auction things on E-bay. These things can range from hand drawn digital and pencil animal pictures, animal paintings, animal themed bookmarks, and more. No, not everything is animal themed, we just prefer it to be since we are raising money for animals. If you have something you'd like for us to auction, you can send it to us. As I'm 13, I have to always ask my parents before I give out the address, so you will have to contact me with some info about what the item(s) is, and such. Then I can give you the address. :D

Have some questions? Want more info? Care to donate? Contact us at:

We will reply within a day or two.

Thanks to Pyzam for the awesome Layout. Thanks to WWF for doing such a great job helping and protecting our wildlife. Thanks to all my friends and family who've helped. Thanks to MC for the name, it fits perfectly!!! The logo is (C) to HOPES, please do not steal, or re-use in any way. ( Although I couldn't draw a paw, so I heavily refferenced it, and I don't know who originally did it. ) We are a non-profit orginization. Any money HOPES earns goes to the WWF.